
Thursday, September 22, 2005

What's up

I haven't began that project report not even today. That's bad. But i was busy.

And before i dig into that let me tell you about 3 things i have to do from now on in clocter.
I need to do programs with basics.  Reading them only won't help, i need to get dirty and try my hands in it. I will use the graphics features of it and make myself comfortable in it.

I will also take bold steps in sir's program and try to emulate them.

Graphics, programming is good but programming the programs of my field is the challenge and this is what I'll learn here.

Another thing is about solid works. I tend to forget things so I'll make it a point to visit its tutorial by doing an example a day everyday.

I need to proficient in it     and nothing but practice will make it work. I don't want to be like prasanth, as he forgets things in solidworks when this is his base and he is doing this all the time.

Anyway, in matlab i will learn the programing part and simulink. Read and practice here is here again.