
Thursday, September 22, 2005

A fatal mistake

Well  as  you can see this  one i am posting  late  but this one is the day of the big  mistake,  lets  read it, even i have forgotten it.
9-9-05 10:18 pm

Well today did a big blunder at nal before my boss. I was drawing the curve of impeller blade but somehow my coordinates didn't matched.

It was a matter of same. I felt bad that i did such a mistake and haven't even realised that i did it.

There is one another thing, in all these days i didn't even see the things i was supposed to see.
This was not the only thing, i also saw that i was not at all resourceful and went to my boss without results. Now i have o make it an habit that i have to complete the task as soon as it it given.

This impeller design took a lot of my time which it shouldn't have. Lesson learnt from this episode was put work before your pleasures and personal work.

Approach sir as quick as you can. Interact and update him daily, tell him where u are and what u are doing.

And the biggest lesson is to minimize mistakes. At all cost minimize this silly problems. As i did today with the design, do a systematic check, eliminate all doubts. This is the way forward.

A good point that i learnt today while working on solid works about how to solve a problem is to eliminate all the lines little by little, with patience and systematically and finally you will know where is the wrong.

In all my work in clocter I'll do this and make sure that from now on errors are non-existent!!!