
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Its Kis's day

Well  today a good  day  for  kis, or to ay it in a better way,  i liked the way  kis worked today!!  He was positive, He took initiative and  he  overcame the fear to  do the things for himself.
From the beginning of the day, he was good and without  complaining or grumbling, he went  straight to work with whatever tools he had and did a good job, which  lead to a small success, which boasted his and mine confidence too.
Well  3 things are good today.
1.  He had a plan for the day and he carried the plan well.
2.  He didn't wait for his boss to  call him and hand him the experiment, but instead took the horse in his hand and drove it to the success.
3.  His  boss in not methodical as he should have been, so  this actions of kis will give directions to his and his boss project.
One good thing about his boss is that he encourages creativity and do-the-things yourself and that can be a great advantage for him and many under him, if he can take this positively.  He can perhaps take up the challenge to do the things he said he said to me when i arrived here in Bangalore.
Well in a way, i liked the day for kis, because he did all that things that he said to me when i arrived a month ago.
Anyway,  coming to myself, as august ends, i have calculated that my software hours as of now stands at 84 hours, with c taking the most 24 hours and solid works following with 16 hours.
Anyway learnt a thing about myself that whenever i got stuck in a c program, i went out and during the walk or after just returning to my desk, i solved the problems.  Will apply this techniques in all things in future. 
well time to go, maybe i will order  the palm tomorrow.