
Monday, August 29, 2005

Analysis of result june 2005

Someone very eloquently put it " Its cold, its calculating. There is
no grey. Its all black or white". She was talking about maths and
statistics. Well that 's the very thing that's attractive about them.
They give answers. Here are the answers, that i got from the analysis
of the results this time, which as you maybe aware i am in the habit
of doing it for the past semesters.

This analysis is my 6th one, and having the data's for the past years
have given a unique perspective to this analysis, as i have compared
them all together as you will see from the graphs.

For the benefit of all those like me who are more akin to figures and
graphs, i have added like last year the magic of excel graphs. Eye
pleasing and informative at the same time. So without much adieu
lets begin.

Section A

a. In section A, as always principal of flights has the lowest passing
percentage. With 7.36% passing that is 7.36 people passing out of 100
hundred who appeared for the exam.

b. Best performance for the last four semesters is of ED, Which has
46.37% pass out this time.

c. Fluids is the subject with most number of student appearing this
time in any subject of section a.

d. The subjects of Thermo, Maths-II, Solids and fluids had more than
1100 student appearing in each! This probably stems from the backlog
that gets created as the students fail in this subjects in previous

e. 18.125 out of 100 people who had appeared in any subject of section
A has cleared the subjects. This number is fairly constant for the
last semesters as seen from the trend line of

sec a.

f. Of all the semesters, June 2003 has the lowest pass out percentage
in Section A, highest being December 2002 semester.

g. If you look closely at the data, you will see that this is the
first time that any
subjects pass out in Section A has crossed more than 45% and subject
who broke the record is ED.

Section B

a. In propulsion stream, biggest shocker is VMD result which
previously always hovered along 80% pass out line, but this time it
had Nil passing percentage, with no one passing out of 35 who

b. Propulsion two is the top scorer of this semester in propulsion
stream with 84.62% passing percentage. This subjects passing
percentage fairly remained close to this 80% line only dip was in June
2004, when it went below 40%!!

c. Math-III is the second best in prop stream, with close to 60+%
passing percentage and many above 70+ marks!!

d. In propulsion I, the passing percentage has declined from 55+% in
December 2002 to 48% this semester.

e. In all propulsion core subjects, propulsion III is always the one
with lowest pass outs and this perhaps explains the maximum number of
students that appeared for it this time in propulsion stream.

f. Structure one is the highest scorer in aerodynamics stream of
section B, with an all time high of 86.21% pass outs and the marks i
heard were generous, as one of my acquaintance got 93, highest ever
mark i have heard of

g. Vibration also made a good showing with 71.87% passing percentage.
This is highest for vibration in last 6 semesters.

h. Aerodynamics one was a shocker this time, as only 3 out of 52 who
appeared passed. Looking at the data, you Will learn that aeroone has
the distinction of being the subject with highest ever pass outs of
AeSI, which was in dec 2003, got 90.47% passed in this subject.

i. With an average of 56.87%, aerodynamics stream for the first time
has overtaken the passing percentage of propulsion stream, which for
this semester stands at its lowest 43.36%!!

j. Compared to all the passing percentages for last 6 semesters,
propulsion streams results this time were lowest.

Well, if this facts enlightens you, i am sure the graphs that follows
will add more to your understandings, so take a look.


Someone asked me "why do you do it?" well i do it because it give
answers, nay stupid answer. I do it because i love doing it. Please
don't forget to send your "hate mails" i love receiving them, they
decorate my email!!! :)


ps: The graphics takes sometime to load if your connection is slow, be patient.