
Thursday, August 25, 2005

From cyber cafe

4:41 PM 8/9/2005

Things i learnt today

Saw the basics of MATLab and with Fortran i learnt about taking
in data from texts files and then making them reading them from
the file and making the program runI am working on a simple turbojet
program which i have to read and decipher and then modify for
sir's use.

We are really interested in a small range and i will make the programs here.
will catch up latter bye

9:19 AM 8/11/2005

well yesterday was my day with my guide scientist. I
encountered a problem in fortran and i was not able to pin point
the problem in the code, so had to call sir and after a long
debugging process, we finally understood the result.

I liked the session as i saw how sir's mind was working. As i saw
myself jumping to conclusions, he remained on the program and began
analizing the program from the beginning

and bit by bit, patiently he solved the program. So learnt the
lesson of going to the root of the problem.

For today, i plan to read matlab simulink and check if c program
works in this fortran program. Sir will be absent today so i want
to learn and try as much MATLAB as i can. I also intend to modify
this fortran program to give me the output as i want it!!!

3:36 PM 8/11/2005

What i did today?

This is the first day when my guide scientist is not in clocter
for the whole day and i have this control room (as it is called) all
to myself.

They say you reveal yourself when you are alone, or when you
know you are not being watched? So i learnt one thing about
myself, that i am a computer fan and addict as i read about fuzzy
logic, how to use it, didi a small basic simulik model and read
and showed kishore MATLAb's capabilites.

I have a deep interest in FL and AI and i want to pursue it further
and would like to engage in a field that entwines aerospace and
software and FL AN and AI.

FL and AI will be of great use for autonomous vehicles, probes and scientific
experiments and i want to be a part of this when it happens here in India!!

4:42 PM 8/12/2005
Well today i have learnt two things one use the units and when
you have done a thing do it properly and if there is a fault in
your calculations ,find it before proceeding.

I went to my G Sc without that and had to get a secret some advice
and he asked me to be careful. Well that's what i learnt today.

Another thing that i felt was how clearly sir, stirred me from one
stage to another. And now the whole picture that he has painted for
me is coming in focus. Though lot of fuzz is still there but i am in
the project of MGT.

will go now will write latter

3:39 PM 8/16/2005

How do i describe today. I did a lot of calculation but my boss is
busy today and so he has not even looked at my data and has
dismissed me. Well lets see, maybe this will make me learn more. I
will learn more about the topic i am in.

sometimes this feels like not contributing anything to him. I want
to be a real help to him and want real work and this i know is his
test work by which he is testing me.

Well someone said that you must always go the extra mile. Am i
going with my boss. No i guess not, but i am trying and i will surely
get the reward.

I will learn more and more about the topics i have to read and i will
make sure that i know what i am needed to to do the next day.

One strategy to cope with sir is to know fully and to know what is
going to come next and this comes by observation and questioning. Be

3:25 PM 8/18/2005



yesterday was also same, only thing was that he had a presentation and
so he took some randomly calculated values to the committee. Maybe
those were a small part in his over all presentation.

Kishore attended the brain storming session and he was excited about
it. My boss didn't take me. But his boss took him as the projector.
Well next time i will ask my boss to take me too. Lets see what they
are talking there. Anyway learning something here has too options. on
you have to come prepared that you will do this and that thing, then
only can you prepare and get the maximum out of the stay here. I
plan to learn matlab and fortran and autocad by this month.

I will learn the BASICs of this softwares and drive this knowledge to
the level seekd by the companies.

How can one improve the environment of clocter. well this is not
the .... sir is coming

2:31 PM 8/22/2005

Well today is bore, i have no work and my boss is busy so here i am
whiling my time.

Although i took this opportunity to make a make that graphs of
passing percentage and the task i take up twice in months years

I have finished some of it and conclusions are remaining and those
will be there in the at home. I will take this file and will upload
it back to my site and in gmail. Another thing is that i need to
look a more methodical approach.

By methodical i mean, to make a template and in which i just need to
add the values to get that percentages and reports.

Well what was the most surprising fact that i have learnt from this
analysis, it was that section a in DEC 2004 had the lowest passing
percentage. In propulsion stream, sir came so had to stop.