
Saturday, August 27, 2005

First flight test

11:57 AM 8/24/2005

Yesterday was a good day, as i initiated my way to drawing. On my
boss's requirement i have to learn solid works. He said in future, i
will need more people to take care of the drawings and so i need and
extra hand and i have to be prepared for it. I guess is genuine and
not a way to let me stick with some thing non essential. Anyway my
benefit will be I'll learn solid works and what the heck. If i had to
do it all by myself then, i don't think i would have touched this
software, anyway great, doing something is better than not doing
anything! And it will add weight to my resume too.

well yesterday was a good day for one more reason. The reason was i
have developed a way to measure my effectiveness in nal. The main
premise is based on the fact that all the time i am in NAl, most of
the time, i am in front of a computer, so i will measure my
effectiveness, on the amount of time that i spend on different
software. This has two advantages, one that i will have a log of what
software and how many hours i have used that particular software and
the other advantage being to have the opportunity to learn the
software. I have selected 8 soft wares that i plan to learn while i
am in NAL, some of which i have started and some i will begin as the
work progress here. So this way my work will be cut out here, if I'm
not working on a project for sir, then I'm completing my computing
hours on a particular software.

I firmly believe that to be a knowledgeable software user, you have to
spend time with her, this is just like us, more we spend our time with
each other, more we discover each other. Same goes for

By playing with software, i don't mean checking out menus and reading
help, to truly know you need to take live projects and solve them, by
solving problems will you learn.

1:33 PM 8/26/2005
well yesterday was a good day, as my boss praised me. He said he was
happy with my work and i am the right kind of a person he was looking
for. I am glad to hear this. And would like that this should always
be there and i do as expected and better .

Well one thing i learnt yesterday from him, was the value of
accountability and not to bend rules, rules are rules. And today
was good in the sense i saw the flights of 6 r/c aircraft's. Well in
a way it was like my first test flight. only difference being instead
of testing own-build aircraft we were assembled there for a session of
seeing these commercial radio controlled planes fly. The event went
well, with only 6-7 people involved and a total of 12 person present
there at the time of flights , everything went smoothly. First test
flight of a flying saucer type aircraft failed. It couldn't generate
enough lift to be up.After two three miss starts, one particular light
weight plane did the flight we all were waiting for, it soared high
and was up in the sky for 4 minutes, with making several rounds above
us and finally making a smooth real aircraft type landing. It got the
applause we all were ready to release.

The most expected disappointment was the helicopter, it had some cool
advancements, as i learnt latter, but it was flimsy and it paid the
price at the very beginning of the show.

The supersonic stealth fighter type aircraft also impressed, as i saw
sankar narayan sir, taking much interest in it, probably because he
has selected that very triangular wing configuration and also the fact
that this aircraft was much smaller. But this one had an inherent
disadvantage of no rudder and aileron, so all the work needs to be
done with differential control of the aircraft's propellers!!!

An interesting incident happened when radha krish sir piloted the
stleath aircraft and it went straight to the bushes.

One particular thing that i learnt today was about sn sir, he is kis's
boss, it was that he has foresight and he thought of everything and he
was prepared to have a tea biscuit party after the show and it was i
think his.........

oops had to stop some work came by. will chat latter