
Monday, September 15, 2014

A way to celebrate Engineers Day

Every year on September 15, we celebrate Engineers Day. It's really a matter of proud but here with this post, we would like to ask you few questions.

Let's do an analysis of last 10 years of the AeSI students who were enrolled across various IITs for masters and doctorate degree vs. the innovations. We are confident that the analysis report will open our eyes. Getting a masters or a doctorate degree can certainly give you a good job with a handsome package but it can never make you an engineer. Government is paying you stipend not just to treat this as pocket money but to come out with some great innovations.

Think Big. Think Engineering.

3 ways to celebrate Engineers Day.

- Start using some part of your stipend in creating a small lab aerodynamic /avionics at your hostel room.
- Use your campus lab to do experiment by thinking out of the box. Example : Is this the only way to do the things ? If I do this, so what will happen ? What if I do this ? What if I change the parameters ? and the list goes on .... Take this experimental data in an excel and try to implement mathematics to find out a relation between your results.
- Create a small team of innovative scholars. Discuss with your professor, pick up a theme and take his help to bring out some innovative ideas into real time execution. We never know when we'll have a Newton or Einstein out of us.

All the best ! and we wish you all a very Happy Engineers Day.