
Thursday, July 05, 2012

Granting equivalence to AeSI - your help needed

An update from AeSIAA

Dear Fellow alumnus,

Sub: Letter to Ministry of HRD for granting equivalence of completion of section "A" & "B" of the Aeronautical Society of India to a Bachelor's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering awarded by Indian university

This has reference to the letter received from Shri RK Rustgi, Secretary (EXAM), AeSI.

AeSI HQ is preparing a paper for submission on the above subject matter and has requested AeSIAA to provide help in preparing the list of AeSI Graduates occupying important positions in different industries/R&D organisations.

In this connection I request you all to help AeSIAA is mapping the existing alumnus in each organisation we know. This will go a long way in securing a Bachelor's Degree instead of Equivalent to Bachelor's Degree awarded to all of us.

Mr. Kuldeep Kumar employee of Aetos, Bangalore and member of Executive Committee, AeSI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION has been entrusted with the task of compiling the database for submitting to AeSI HQ, New Delhi.

It will be appreciated if the details of AeSI GRADS working in your organisation are forwarded to Mr. Kuldeep [email: Contact No: 98449 71193], to the earliest possible.

Thanking you