
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Brand Value !

Further to earlier post Let it shine, I request you to please not degrade the brand value of Aeronautical Society of India. Let me share few points which I have noticed and are effecting the brand value of AeSI.
1. Quality of Resumes
2. Even though profile doesn't match the job, than too applying for it.
(Example : The job is related to Ansys with 2 years exp. & the HR is receiving applications of Avionics freshers.)
3. Just attaching the resume and sending it without mentioning anything like the job code, a short summary of your profile or a cover letter.
4. Using irrelevant font and size in the resume.
5. Size of the resume sometimes exceeds 6000 Kb.

Trust me above issues not only just make a recruiter hyper but also degrade the brand value of Aeronautical Society of India. We work a lot in creating opportunities and when such mistakes are in front of us, then it really makes us to think that Are we doing right ?

Let's make a commitment with you that you'll always use the right approach while sending the resume to any organization. The way we approach to a recruitment officer entirely differs from the way we approach to a project leader in case if freshers jobs aren't available. Use the power of communication in such a way that it will allow the other person to think at least once that whether I should recruit or recommend him/her as a trainee or not ? Let the recruitment officer know that you have a passion to learn new technology (in case of a trainee) and you are looking for a long term career.
But How ?
It's what we call power of written communication, power of cover letter and so on..

Google the same on Internet, there are various websites available & I'm confident that you will shake hand with us in every possible way to promote the brand value of Aeronautical Society of India.

Getting a degree from Aeronautical Society of India means you have a special talent and you reflect a shadow of perfectness. Let's bring the perfectness in this aspect as well. As someone said that "Don't see it as something you are sending but see it from the receiver prospective."

Best Wishes !