
Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to score high in Avionics !

I've heard many students saying that passing subjects in avionics  is very easy as compare to other streams. Let it be ! make it your motivational factor. Yet I just want to share something with you all....
It might be very easy to get marks between 50-60, but actual test begins after that .. after a benchmark of 60, each variation of 10 marks need lots of efforts by you. It's not just the efforts, It's your smartness. The most important phase is the 15 days before the exams.
1. Let's consider a theoretical question of 10 marks, what do you think ? It's easy to get 9+ out of 10. Yes, It is . & It's us who make this easy by our power of representing thing by Diagrams, Flow Charts and other techniques to represent complex things in simpler way.
2. In every topic of Avionics, making diagrams is the key to success. Along with this if you'll add mathematical approach behind the theoretical concepts so It'll add wonders.
Actually It totally depends on us how to get extra marks from the examiner.
3. In this critical phase of 15 days, try to solve last year question papers. If you don't know the answer so google it, I'm confident that you'll get all the solutions after using internet. Yet in case if you're not satisfied so use social networking websites or approach your seniors.
4. Last but very important, use your pen and paper as much as you can because there are certain things which seems to be easy but once you write them they become complicated to express. So try to solve last year question papers and trust me It really helps a lot even I've completed my degree with good score in just 3 semesters because of my habit of solving the last year question papers.

Feel free to share your problems as Prof. Raja of G.I.E., Chennai says "Doing mistakes in the class room is far better than doing mistakes in the exam hall."
Good Luck.