
Thursday, April 19, 2012

What does an aviation industry require as an avionics engineer ?

Good Morning! 
I love to interact with so many students and I always try to share my experience with them. Just a couple of hours before, I received a message from a student. She asked me some questions which can be seen in the below picture. I'm very happy to see that students are actually enjoying AeSI these days and have started interacting with each other using social media platforms.
My learning in embedded technology
## I want to be very honest while replying. It's a fact that a couple of months back, I wasn't even aware that whether a resistor has polarity or not ? what exactly a capacitor does ? how to use voltmeter ?
## I learnt Embedded Technology just because I have seen that it's a trend going on in Bangalore and most of the guys use to choose this path.
## I was good in C language but when I joined the institute, I came to know what is the difference between the C language taught in a normal institute and what is required by an industry? Till 2011, I wasn't aware about graphics.h. I never thought that we can turn OFF/ON keyboard keys using C program. 
## @ Embedded 
  • Introduction to basic electronics (components, some basic circuits etc.)
  • Introduction to digital electronics
  • Introduction to BASIC of C language
  • Playing with LCD, :LED, MOTORS and .................
    (It doesn't mean only turning On & Off.... example : intensity variation of LED, glowing and blinking of a set of LED in multiple pattern, Displaying various things in various ways on LCD, controlling the speed of motors.)\
  • IR Sensor (using of sensors & projects like never falling robot, metal detector robot, temperature sensor etc......)
I have used Atmel's Atmega8 and Atmega16 microcontrollers in basic and Atmega128 as in advanced embedded. Software used were Code Vision AVR and AVR Studio. There is a difference between C and Embedded C. I have learnt the basics of Embedded-C at the institute and I'm still on the way of learning excellence in Embedded-C. But some company also uses Embedded-Java.

Learning a technology is always good, but do it only and only if you have passion to learn. Don't just do it like me. In my case I have done it just because of the trend going on that time and I was not having enough people to communicate with. Let's leave it. AesiAA & the team's intention is to help others so that the future of Aesi students can be polished.
The girl who has sent this message, wrote that she has knowledge in some languages like java, c , c++, unix, linux etc. It's good but I want to suggest that rather then thinking in all directions, think in one direction but with a shadow of perfection. I'm confident that one day you'll become the role model for others. People will give your examples to others. 
Linux is very good because of it's nature of virus free activities. When you work with micro controller, It's always necessary to work in a virus free platform because we burn files into micro controller. and due to some other reasons as well. 

Take an example of flight control system or fly by wire system. Just close your eyes and imagine How it's possible that flaps of star board is going upwards and flaps of port wing is going downwards? How it's possible that after moving to a particular degree  it stop its movements? How does an aircraft understand that how much deviation from original position it require ? How does the light blink which is located in the belly of aircraft?  Anti-collision system : How is it working ? Is there any concept of sensor in the operation of this system ? Specific warning comes only at specific job... Why and How ?
The answers are hidden in just one word which is none other then "EMBEDDED"

Case 1 : B.Tech (Aeronautical) Vs B.Tech (Electronics)
Case 2 : B.Tech+M.Tech (Aeronautical) Vs
My experience says that a company is more interested in the profile which is marked bold because of a fact that a regular student of electronics will obviously know more about electronics. In all operations of FMS (Flight management system) the technology used is fully devoted to electronics. One just need a cloud of Aviation to be the best. Even in case 1, company has good trainers who have the ability to teach the ABC of aviation to electronics students. My intention is not to demotivate the students rather I just want to show them the reality. So It's a world of competition, if we want to kiss success, so we have to try hard, try making new projects, refer magazines like electronics for you ! digit ! and all... 
But It's a fact that AeSI students have more knowledge (not practical), if a chance of learning is given, they are going to rock. It's time to say and prove that 
"Do what you like and like what you love "