
Monday, January 30, 2012

Embedded Systems_1

If you are planning to learn Embedded Systems, so I'll suggest that before joining any institute have perfect command on below topics.
1. Basic Electronics
(Interview Questions are always (80%-90%) asked from the basics. and if one is not good at Basic Electronics so I feel that he'll face lots of problems to learn Embedded Systems so It's better that before joining any institute, we can build up our basics... )
2. Digital Electronics
(Number Systems, pin diagrams of various ICs and ol... Flip Flop, resistor , their color coding , counters etc .... must be on your finger tips. It helps a lot if you know the theoretical concepts behind it when you enter into any institute to learn Embedded Systems.  )
3. Microprocessors and System Architecture
(Example : I know that what is flip flop but I must know that how it works and the concepts behind "storing a bit of data. It really helps a lot to become good in Embedded.")
4. Programming Language - "C"
(Even it's Embedded-C which is used for Embedded programming however the concepts are same in general. and C is the base of any programming language. I personally feel that before joining any institute to learn Embedded Systems we must know the basics of programming. )

By the way Good Luck in advance to all students who are waiting for their result of AMAeSI.