
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Telephonic Interviews and how to improve your communication skills!

On the recent post on Telephonic interviews, Mr. Himalya a long time
reader and admirer of the blog had this practical suggestion for AeSI
graduates and students for improving their communication skills.

Agree Admin,
In the today's era of advancement, only completing the degree doesn't
mean that you have become Aeronautical Engineer, however one should
try in the best possible way to improve the communication skills also
because there is a way to say "NO" even though you don't know the
answer of any question in a postive manner and the excellence can be
achieved only by having good communication skills...

my advice to my Aesi friends is , if they have free time, so they
should join any Call Center which has sales process, doesn't matter if
you will get screwed there on daily basis but after a couple of weeks
you will find that your communication skills are improving at a high
speed which indirectly enhances the way you talk to someone over the
phone..... I am not saying to work for the entire semester you can
work there after your exams and till the time you get your result...
and side by side you can learn excellence in software related to your

Good Luck

Himalya Bansal


I love the idea. It gels with my own philosophy of diving deep and
head on into a problem.

Thanks Himalya! Thank you for reading and commenting on the blog. I
read all your comments and suggestions, it's just a matter of time
that I fail to answer back.

Thanks for being active, I will make sure I do participate more often.