
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Just study and leave everything else

I received this following mail from Rohan.

Hi sir,
For long i am searching for a proper combination of activities to
spend time on, bcoz i feel that " just study leave every thing else"
doesnt work in long term, so sir by your own experience can u plz
suggest some do's and dont do's.
thanks sir
G.I.E, Sec 'B'

He has a great point. I dont believe in just work and no play.

In fact this is how I got into starting this blog and ouraesi club back in 2002.

My long stated opinion on this blog is that when you are in section a, you shouldn't think much about job and after aesi, but concentrate on your studies and use your spare time to explore whatever takes fancy to your mind at that time.

It may be kite making, taking cooking lessons, creating aircraft models, singing, dancing etc. The point is, section a give you time to expand your horizon. Gives you opportunity to grow laterally. So do that. It's the time to experiment.

I certainly did that.

As you pass section a, you get into the grove and start to know what you enjoyed and loved. This is the time to take up serious career related things. This is time to look beyond aesi and see what is on demand and what skills you want to build.

I certainly did this. I like programming and this is what I took up in section b. If you like analysis or building models or reading. Begin those tasks.

The tasks are not that important. Decide what skills you want to have when you graduate and start working on them.

How much time you spend is not important. More important is the consistenty. Put in your minimum hours in those skill building exercise and you are on to a great start.

So what's your take on this? Let's come up with activities and things that one can do in this period.

More on this at