
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lets Join Hands and Make a Difference

Hi everyone.

In the last AeSIAA get together, after the fun and the dancing events, everyone got the opportunity to introduce themselves and express their views. There many of you have expressed the desire to be play a more active part in the activities of AeSIAA.

Well here is the opportunity for you to keep that promise.

As you may already know that AeSIAA is now in the process of electing the fresh Executive Committee for 2011-2013. The Election is being conducted by way of nomination of the life members to the EC.

The Executive Committee is the work horse of AeSIAA. It helps organise all the different activities like the Annual AeSI Family get together, SEMAA type seminars among many other activities.

The EC is the platform for you to shape the direction of the association. If you have ever wondered about making a difference in someone's life, then this is the opportunity for you.

I request you to kindly come forward and be a part of the EC. If you are interested, want to know more contact me or Mr Anuj Jha or Mr Kuldeep at the following phone number or email

Your participation is crucial for the future growth & development of the Association, so lets join hands and make a difference.