
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Three tips for telephonic interview.

For all interviews, now a days, telephonic interview has become the first stage.

Before a personal round, most people are pre screened via a telephonic interview.

So here are 3 tips for giving a successful telephonic interview, all gathered from interviews I did in the last couple of months.

1. When asked to introduce yourself, be brief. Start with your education, end with the relevant project and work that your have experience of. Don't sing your history. It's supposed to give a view of your career in view of the requirement.

2. When describing your projects, don't use jargon. Don't overwhelm the other person with unnecessary details. All he or she wants to know is what is your experience and what role you played in it? Skip any other detail.

3. Know what the requirement is and use it to lead the interview. Having a clear idea of what is the requirement will help you respond and drive the interview process.

And to sum up, talk slowly, clearly and briefly. Telephonic interview is just a trailer. Picture to abhi baki hai merae dost!!

To find more on interviews, please follow this link

Good luck