
Friday, December 03, 2010

John backus and his gift

Most of you know that I am a big fan of fortran. Its the most known
and used programming language of the world. So how can I miss this day.

Today on Dec 3 in 1924, John Backus, who invented the FORTRAN
programming language in the mid 1950s, was born.

As long as there is aerospace and engineerining, we will continue to
enjoy his gift!!

Read more about him at this link

In this link you will find how John Backus one day walked into IBM and
revolunised the world of computing!!

"I really didn't know what the hell I wanted to do with my life... I
said no, I couldn't. I looked sloppy and disheveled. But she insisted
and so I did. I took a test and did OK." - John Backus on his
experience interviewing for IBM.

More on fortran