
Monday, August 16, 2010

Knowledge is like compound interest

Yes, knowledge is lot like compund interest.

I don't know the rate. But take two people with equal ability and knowledge and let one person add a few hour of study on his schedule. By the end of a certain among of time, the person who put in the hour will have substantial amount of knowledge than the person who never did any.

Same goes for learning any software tool. People don't learn in one burst. Learning doesn't happen in one day, one week, one month or even a one year. Mastery of a tool comes over the years with daily consistent effort.

Knowledge is cummulative. Just like
Compound interest, it adds up and over a period of time it shines through.

So keep this in mind when studying.

From this day on start building a little of extra knowledge and in time you will see your knowledge compunding !!

Read more about learning different software tools by clicking this link