
Friday, August 06, 2010

Failures and how to use them as guides!

Learning is a continous process. It doesn't end with your final
result, nor does it end when you get a job. Infact it doesn't end

If you want to improve. If you want to succeed, continous learning is
the path that lays ahead of you.

How to make sure you are walking the path?

Making mistakes and failing. If you are failing, that's an indication
that you are following a path of improvement. Failures indicate you
are learning.

What's the point?
The point is your failures in the last week or two will tell your more
honestly about your current state of improvement than anything else.

You may lie to yourself, you may talk yourself that the last tasks you
did were really improving your skills.

But if you haven't failed in the last week. That's an indication that
you are not improving. This means you were just doing the easy stuff.

Failure is the last week is thus a more accurate indication of
progress than anything else.

So track them.

Fortran ebook coming soon!! More informationhttp://my-