
Sunday, July 04, 2010

No, I Won't Do Your Homework

From time to time, I receive email from people I've never heard of,
presumably because an Internet search has turned up something on
MyAeSI website of interest to them.

Since people can see everything, and read what they like, there is no
need to contact me directly. But occasionally, they send me a
compliment, a comment, or some other message. I am as much a fool for
compliments as the next person; I'm always interested in suggestions
and error reports, and occasionally can offer limited (in more than
one sense) guidance. These, I think, constitute appropriate kinds of
interaction for this situation.

I am also happy, when time permits, to discuss issues of interest with
people who have something to tell me. I have posted articles and faqs
for some normal queries.

But I have no time or patience for the thoughtless and impertinent
messages I get, asking me to send AeSI syllabus, to explain the AeSI
subjects, to create routines for study, to develop question answers
for CATIA/NASTRAN/ANSYS, to help someone out of a mundane AMAeSI
probelm, or in general, to do your homework.

I cannot imagine an appropriate response to such impertinence, which
simply signals that the Internet is, to some people, a vast ocean of
harmless drudges who can be trolled for answers to homework. Well, I
ain't doin' it.