
Monday, July 26, 2010

Getting your self confidence back!

Cut yourself.

Yes that's what you need to do if you want to clear aesi. Cut yourself
off from all the prejudice that aesi is tough. That's aesi is
unpredictable. That aesi cannot be conquered without luck.

Beliveing in yourself is one of the main ingridient of success. Unless
you have that, success in all forms remains elusive.

How to believe?
No there is no mantra, that you have to chant. No crazy stuff you have
to do.

The only way to built that belief and confidence in you is create
small measurable challenges for you in form of small tasks/projects.
Complete each of them. This will form the steps to regain your self

Recently I had this huge block in my belief that I won't be able to do
mesh morphing tool. The more I thought about it, the more I found it
was out of reach.

This is when I decided and I divided my final goal into tiny
challenges of Reading on mesh morphing. Doing a morphing on a simple
cube. Creating a standalone tool for the same.

With each step I took, the knowledge I gained, my self belief soared.
I am fully confident now that it can be done and I can do it.

So create small steps and conquer them. There is no other quicker way.
So step up, take action. That the only door to confidence.