
Friday, July 02, 2010

Egg and omlet and your training after AeSI

There is a good saying. It goes like this. To get an omlet, you have
to break the eggs.

Same thing goes for training in NAL,ADA or in your first tasks in your
first job. You have to do all the small regular work before a
significant projects lands in your way.

Just like the egg, you have to break the hard shell by your attitude
and work to get that meaty work.

If you join training thinking of getiing to design the next gas
turbine engine, or analysing the next generation propulsion system
then you are mistaken. First comes the test of your ability, then the
real work.

So all of you, who are planning to go to training after the amaesi
results are announced, be prepared to break the eggs!!

Omlet comes after that!!

Want more information on training, it can be searched by clicking this