
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What tool to take up?

This question always pops up. At one stage in AeSI, you hear yourself
wondering about what you like and what tool matches your taste, temper
and skils.

The best advice for getting to know the answer is

"You need to expose yourself to many things – you should expose
yourself even though you might not know if you'll be interested"

Yes if unsure what you might enjoy? What tool you want to take up?
What stream of work you want to make a career?

Expose yourself to everything.

Apprenticeship in NAL, ADA and other organisations do give you this
opportunity. They provide you the opportunity to expose yourself, to
cad, to analysis or to programming.

So never miss that opportunity or any other opportunity to expose
yourselve to variety of inputs!!!

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of posts from this blog to keep with you?