
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Start small

In the begining of the year, I bought a treadmil from a friend. He was
going abroad and was selling his stuff. I got it from him.

He informed that he has used the machine for ten days and then it just

In the week he bought the treadmill, he used it for every single day
for 45 minutes. He set this goal. But in a weeks time, his enthusiasm
fizzed and the machine took backseat.

Knowing this, I fixed a modest target, I resolved to just sit 5
minutes on it. And ever since I have been doing it.

If I would have not come here, I know I would have continued the
routine and steadily progressed.

This is the magic of starting small. If you are failing to study each
day, resolve to do just 30mins per day and put in that time. Same way
if you are falling behind on learning a new tool, resolve to put 10
minutes in it than an hour. You will see a difference.

Hope this helps. Good luck!!

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