
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Inconsistent and some changes

Last year this time I was more consistent that I am today. Last time
this time I had more things done than I have done this time. And if
you have noticed, last time I was writing more consistently on the
blog than this time.

What's the difference? Why is it so?

As I analyzed this, I find that this time, this year I have spread my
time and energy in many projects. So as a natural consequence things
are slipping via the crack.

So what to do?
I am planning to cut back. I am planning to chop. I am planning to

Here are three things that I am trying to impliment.

*One project at a time.
Will focus on one project at a time. I have 3 ebook projects in the
pipeline, one website, two technical papers and one project launch
apart from this blog and the games I am developing for my daughter.

Tackling everything in a week is impossible and so I plan to sequence
them and in a particular week will just concentrate on one project.

*Set a schedule for regular tasks.
Some regular, daily tasks needs to be scheduled. Once they are in a
particular time slot, I don't need to worry about them and they will
work on that scheduled time.

*Slot a specific amount of time to focus on the big projects.
A small concentrated chunk of time will help make good progress on the
projects. This uninterrupted time will help get the things in focus!!

Have you faced such a situation? What have you done? What was your
Do let me know in the comments below!!