
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

How time has changed? AeSI's web footprints!!

When I joined AeSI, aeronautical scoiety of india had no web presense.
If you wanted to contact anyone there, you had to call.

There was no website for ready information.

Then after few years as emails begin to appear, aesi got a page of
it's own in nal's web space. This was again rudementary but a giant
step as we no longer needed to call aesi Delhi to get our amaesi
results. They were published on this website.

Now aesi has a full fledge website, a site that's fully functional and
provides almost all information required or needed by an AeSI student
and graduate.

The question is are you taking advantage of any of this?

Here is a list of AeSI related webspaces on the Internet.

Aesi's official website

AeSI alumni association

AeSI community

AeSI blog