
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

11 softwares in 6 months !!

A few weeks back I had an email exchange with a recent graduate of
AeSI. In the discussion he spelled out this plan.

I have decided to take a six month course from CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF
TOOL DESIGN HYDERABAD that is giving eleven softwares as catia, ansys,
nastran, proE, ug, autocad, hypermesh, solidworks, autodesk inventor,
mastercam, delcam and nc-cnc programming for Rs.40,000/

I asked so which tool are you planning to learn. He said they will
teach him all!! I was speechless.

11 softwares in 6 months!!

If I were him, I will not go for this. Instead I would concentrated on
one and two softwares!!

It's like cooking lunch on 11 gas burners, and alternating every few
minutes to a different one until all are touched.

It's like having 11 balls in a soccer match!! This is madness.

Are you doing anything like this? Then stop. And reassess, something
is wrong there!!

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