
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One practical tip to help you learn better for the exams

Shun book reading! Take up a copy and pen. Draw on it. Play with the
concepts. This is what I have done throughtout my aesi days.

Take any notebook of my aesi day, and you will find it scribled with
cartoons, sketches of the concepts that I read.

This simple exercise not only imprinted the concepts in my mind but
were very useful for quick revisions.

Exams are approaching. You might be pressing your study accelerator
now. So this is the right moment to get started in this.

Keep the book aside and start doodling on the paper. Understand and
study the concepts not by reading but by putting them on the notebook!!

If you do this or something similar do let me know.

Cheers and good luck

for more exam tips click the following link
