
Friday, May 28, 2010

How to Break inertia?

Easiest way to break the habit of inertia is timeboxing.

If you are stuck in a rut. If you are not studying as much as you
scheduled or if you are not practising the required amount in your fav
CAE tool, and it feels like you are in a 'daldal' of time wastefulness!!

This is the time to timeboxing!! What is it?

Take out a timer. Set it to 8 minutes or so and start doing the task
you are avoiding for the next 8 minutes untill the timer beams!

This simple exercise and working against time can be very useful.

Don't worry what you are doing, don't judge how you are working. Just
put in the time and you will see how you break the bonded chain of

So try it next time when you feel you have lost your motivation. Try
it when you feel you are wasting your time.

I just did that to break my inertia of writing to this blog. In the
past week I had lot of inspirations to write for the blog. But somehow
the initial inertia prevented it. So today I timeboxed.

For more info on timeboxing, find it here