
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Every single day.

If you can and will spend an our on one skill. Every single day from
the start of your aesi semesters. You will acheive many things.

It's not about time management. It's simply a decision to spend an
hour fruitfully on one important tool of your choice.

I wish I knew this earlier in my aesi days. But when I got a hint, I
applied it in my last and second last semester of AeSI!

I discovered I have no skills to really confidently project in my
resume and I took stock and found that C was a computer that I have
some tiny experience and that's the only real software I had access to
via the Internet.

So on that day I decided that no matter what, each day from now on, I
will write at least on program of c. I took a diary and began the

With few exceptions, I kept the promise to myself and concistently
carried that one program writting rule for two semester.

Whenever I got a chance I translated the program to the computer and
ran it. So even without a system around, on holidays, in train while
going home, I kept writing a program a day!

That single consistent act of mine is paying for my expenses and have
got all the exciting work that I am previledged to do now.

So take a lesson from this and take up a tool and consistently put an
hour on it everyday. You will reap 100 times more rewards than the
effort you put on every single day!!