
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Why learn fortran and vba if you want a career as an aerospace engineer?

In my last post on software language that you should learn, I
mentioned VBA and fortran the language to learn if you want to work in
a career as an aerospace engineer.

To find what languages I recommended click the following link. Http://

Each language i recommended has it's own inherient advantage and
disadvantage. Here in this post I will talk about vba and fortran. Why
you should learn them?

VBA is the most readilly available and accessable language. It's easy
to learn and the learning curve is plain and you can do interesting
stuff with just small effort. Very good to impress buddies.

If you work in catia, solidworks, excel and other windows based
software then knowing this language gives you an edge and if you use
your imagination, you can do a bundle of things in it.

Working in aerospace domain, then rest assured that you will use or
work with one or two fortran based applications. Fortran is the life
blood of the aerospace industry and if you want to be in this industry
then it makes sense you know how to write programs in this language.

This is the easiest of computer langugae to learn and is very
powerful. This will enable you do stuff that you might need to do

Fortran and vba are part of my daily work life. When I was in aesi I
never knew I will be working on this but thanks to my years in NAL,
where I honed this skills and developed them so much that they now
enable me to do magic with them every day!!

So what languages are you working on?