
Thursday, April 15, 2010

What tools to learn in avionics stream?

A recent mail from the reader of this blog has this question.

"I am in section B and have avionics branch, so what extra course i
can do which is helpful for my career!"

I guess I talk about catia, solidworks, ansys, ungraphics, fluent,
hypermesh etc but I rarly talk about anything realated to this stream
that many in AeSI take.

Before I lay my two thoughts on this subject here, I would like you to
point you to find the old articles in this blog that might help you.

You can find them by clicking this link

Well that being said, I would like to add that first and foremost take
up c language and start learning it from now starting today. Don't
worry about when and where just resolve that this is one language you
want to master while still pursuing this stream.

And second thing, search for some good blogs or websites that talks
about this subject. Subscribe to them. Read them everyday. You might
not understand everything written in that. That's ok. Just be a part
of the team. Join avionics groups in yahoo, google and linkedin.

Do this two things consistently and do it with a sense of mastering
them, you will require no additional advice from anyone to have a
great start to your career!!

Hope this helps and don't forget to tell me how it goes.

And better still start a blog about your adventures in this stream!! I
would love to hear your experiences.

Good luck!!

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