
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Slow Blog activities, AeSIAA and seminar update etc

This is a sort of rant post. Sometime I just like to tell you all why
the activities are slow on the blog.

Well I am busy like a bee in the an upcoming seminar related
activities. I have dipped my hands few things which I am trying tie.
So posting to the blog has suffered.

AeSIAA update
I am sure by now you all know about aesiaa. It stands for aeronautical
society of india alumni association. It's a registerred society and
formal organisation formed by the alumnies of aesi to unite and build
a community around aesi graduates.

So if you have graduated recently or long back then be a part of
AeSIAA. Join aesiaa!!

It's there to help you and leverage the goodwill that we as graduates
of AeSI are generating in the Indian aerospace industry!!

So join and be a part of your roots!!

Seminar update
As part of its annual program, AeSIAA is organising an all india level
seminar titled advances in Indian aeronautics, where eminent
professionals of Indian aeronautics will share their thoughts and
experiences of working in Indian aeronautics industry. This seminar
will be held in Bangalore on 24th July 2010!! I am doing my bot to
make this event a success.

If you are interested please leave a comment here and keep a watch on
this blog.

I will keep you posted. Till then visit the brand new website of