
Friday, January 22, 2010

Lesson of choice from Richard Branson – How to choose stream and training?

Read this just an hour ago and liked it so much that i am posting here. Do read the following its just one line.

When asked in a TV chat show what he would do if he lost all his money, entrepreneur Richard Branson replied simply: “I would find something interesting to do”.

This applies not only to Richard Branson, but to everyone. Do Something that you find interesting. Do something that you love. This is where success is.

For AeSI students on the verge of choosing a stream for section B, i will say. Follow what Richard Branson says. Follow your passions.

If electrical sets the current in you, then avionics is the stream your compass is pointing. If wind tunnels fascinate you, its pointing you somewhere. Look in that direction.

Your natural skills, the subjects you enjoy, the things you do in your spare time, the magazine that you look for in a book mall, are better indicator of success in future than external reasons, so find them. Know what you like and choose that appropriate steam!

Same goes for training. Don't select the one that is available, select the one that your mental compass points you at. Select the one that you know/feel is made for you.

Also read :