
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

How to plan for Next Year?

Its December!! the time of the year at the end of which everyone is busy planning what to do for the next year. Thinking of ways on how to make it more fruitful, enjoyable, productive and successful than this year.

Well i have began planning for the next year and here i would like to suggest a simple process that one can employ to better plan for his/her next year professionally.

The plan is simple and here it goes.

update your resume.

Yes update your CV, update it with all ten things you have done this year. In this year you would have added new skills, gained new experiences, managed new projects, attended trainings and taken up new responsibilities. update them all.

What would happen. well this updating process will help you see where you are now, this will enable you to gauge your current potential , this will tell your current bearing and only after this exercise plan for the next year.

Set professional goals now after gaining clarity on what’s your current objective status is . Then set your goal a tad higher than what you initially thought. Be audacious. Be bold. This is your life and how you push yourself will determine how you will succeed.

So go ahead and enjoy