
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What have I learnt by this habit of posting daily?

Notice I call it a habit not a goal anymore. Doing the same thing for
this long had made it a habit. So what have I learnt from this.

Show up
Yes everyday I showed up. Took the laptop out and just started. Never
new in advance what I will write but just began. This created the
posts that you all are reading and hopefully gaining something.

So start showing up to whatever goal you have setup. If your aim is to
get good marks, then show up and stick to your routine. If you aim is
to learn catia, ansys etc. show up. Switch on the software and begin
tinkering. If you want a productive training, then show up everyday,

Showing up is so simple yet how few times we use it. I have been
blogging on this blog since 2004 and this is the first year that I
have really taken an extra effort to be consitent in posting. So it
was big lesson for me.

As I said earlier, since lot of travel is involved in October, so
posting rate might suffer. But rest assured that I will be writing
everyday and posts will flash only when I have the opportunity to
connect to the Internet.

By the way read earlier posts by visiting