
Monday, September 21, 2009

Three steps to sucessful career

Recently I read an article titled three steps to a joke and that let
me wonder on the question of what are steps for a successful career.

Well here's my answer?

Communication skills.
Technical skills aside, single most important skill that one should
have, acquire or cultivate is communication skills. This is the one
skill that will enable you to progress in your career. Technical
skills gives you authority but it's the communication skills that
spread the infuence and this is first skill that you must develop
before you move on to any another.

Curiosity and experiment.
Being curious, being open to experimenting. Testing your theory is the
next skill that you should cultivate. Being good at technical skill
and just knowing it bare minimum won't be enough. Be curious, ask
questions. Answer them with experiments. It's more than a skill but an
attitude that you need to cultivate!

Solve problems.
What good is an atiitude or skill if you aren't solving problems.
Solve problems, yours or of peoples around you. This is the only and
THE only way to accelerate your skills. Problems are the grindstones
of honing your skills, technical or otherwise. So look from problems,
annoyance, in and around yourself and solve them.

As I said, these are my 3 steps to a successful career. What's yours?
I am curious. Pitch in your comments.

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