
Friday, September 18, 2009

Cinema, funcity and NAL training! - What's the connection?

You don't buy a ticket for cinema and sleep inside. You don't go to
wonderla or fun city and just sit outside.

You go there to enjoy, to have the experience. So why is it different
for the training?

I see lot of aesi graduates and students attending training in NAL,ADA
etc, and just doing that!

They show lot of initiative, courage and creativity to get in, but
once they are in, they just sleep or sit outside!


Training is like a theme park, where you choose the rides and
experiences you want. No one will handfeed you, or give you tailor
made experience in catia or any other tool, you have to find the
opportunities and learn.

Once you are in, resolve to get the correct technical exposure.
Surround yourself with books, people and substances that lifts you
towards your career goals. Otherwise training will be just like the
experience of a guy who buys a ticket to a movie and sleep during it.

What do you think? Let's discuss....

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