
Friday, August 07, 2009

Thoughts about office

This week i am marking a landmark in my office life. Its a personal
milestone for me. From the begining from NAL, to today, I had the
fortunate experience of working in diverse environment.

Here are some thoughts about office environment, that I have picked on
the way.

Never eat alone. Eating time is the opportunity to network. So never
eat alone and most importantly never eat with same group everyday.
Your lunch box shows variety why not you?

Just like in investments, start early. Don't wait for deadlines to
show up at your door, begin well ahead. Having a time leverage is a
great advantage.

Always help. Your value increases with the number of people and times
you genuninly help. So extend the helping hand. You will become
valuable this way.

If you are begining your career or office life, do remember these

Good luck and enjoy the journey !!!