
Friday, August 21, 2009

The quickest way to begin Learning fortran!!

Here's the quickest way to begin learning fortran.

Get a compiler
Get an editor
Google simple fortran example

Well that's it.

Copy the example in the editor.
Save the file as .f . F90
Compile the program.

Viola you have just created your first fortran program.

This essentially is the quickest way to learn fortran.

Let me give you the links for doing the same in an elaborate way.

Google 'gfortran compiler download'
Download the file for your system, install it. (I am assuming windows
system here)

Second step.
Get notepad or any basic text editor

Copy the following program

program test
print *, ' my first fortran program'
end program

That's it. Copy the lines in a text editor. Save the file as 'first.f90'

Now compile the program in command mode. Open command prompt and type.

That's simple : 'f90 thefilename' for our case' f90 first.f90'

After the successful compile, in the command mode type a.out

Viola it will declare your entry into the fortran world!!

Do this successfully and you open doors for yourself to enter the
castle of fortran.

These are the hardest steps. Just climb them and you are on your way.
Most of folks falter here and abandan the learning.

After this pick up the tutorial that you have and begin. It will be
much easier to follow and quicker to grasp.

For more on why to learn fortran and other fortran related topics
click the following link

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