
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Measure and store – one tip to have productive office life

Anything that is not measured is going down the drain.

Well tell me how are you capturing the things that you are learning on a daily basis.

Working in office environment is a learning experience and each and every day you are learning something new. Sometimes the thing we learn is huge and some time its just little small bricks that add up to a wall.

In my own office life, I have seen I pick up small shortcuts, little un-mentionable details that make my work life so easy and productive. This small details are the cements that hold the big piece of our work and projects shine. So are you recording them?

Do you think your mind is keeping all the small things that you are learning?  what is your way of registering the things that you learn. how are you making sure that all this tiny nuggets of wisdom that help you complete one project after another are not slipping down.

Our mind is fickle, it registers and the big stuff and it will only remember the things that come to us repeatedly but will tend to slip on the small stuff that helped us complete the assignment, so don't entirely rely on your mind to remember all the small details of your work. Make sure you have a system or place to capture the stuff.

For me its a little text file where I record the little nuggets of inputs. its simple, its on my desktop and every time I learn something small or significant and something i want to remember, I pop up the file and add it there.

This simple but effective technique has saved me hours of work, increased my productivity and enabled me to impress my colleagues...  Yes since I record all the small things I learn, its always comes handy when any colleague of mine has any problem in his assignment, I always find something that can help him..

Since its a text file has the advantage of moving around and I can use it in any location that I work.

So how are you capturing your learning. Don't let them slip by... get them in somewhere before they fade away because of non use...