
Thursday, July 02, 2009

The key to getting things done!!

The key to getting things done is to remember them.

In all the goals that I am working for, I have noticed that my major hurdle doesn't involve in doing the actions assigned to the goal but to remember the goal. Some of the slipups that have occurrd have been because of this tendency to either forget the goal or letting the goal go out of the horizon.

Goal is the destination and if you need to steer your aircraft to that destination, you have to constanly correct it's course along the way, you can't live it alone or it mind end in an ocean.

So keep your goals infront of you all the time.

Make them as your wallpaper of your computer and mobile.
Keep them on the mirror.
Keep them in your wallet.

Just make sure you are exposed to them more than once everyday. This has worked for me and will work for you.

Try it!!