
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How I used to setup a study routine for next semester

Setting up a routine was the first step that I took when I was in aesi?

Just before the announcement of aesi results, I used to sit and take
stock of my time and subjects and made a routine for the upcoming

I didn't follow the routine always but most of the time routine gave
me the ability to just begin. It automated many of the decisions I had
to make when sitting to study.

Since I had already assigned fixed hours to a particular subject, so I
didn't had a dilemma of what to study next? All I needed was a glance
at the routine, and I knew where my next hour is going to be utilized.

Here are some of the points that you might find useful while making
your own study routine.

1. Decide how much time you have per day. Keep it modest. Early
enthusiasm points that we can should alot the maximum hour available,
but the best strategy that I found is set a resonable minimum hours.
Set the number of hours that you are sure you will put into study no
matter what.

2. After the hours, decide on the subjects. Ponder on the lengh and
the structure of the subjects? Are they all theory or all numerical or
which section dominates

3. After deciding on the hours and the subjects, now is the time to
fit the subjects to the time available.

4. But before that, set the first half hour or an hour, whichever is
convenient to revise what you have learnt the day before. Yes revising
should be a part of your study routine. Begining early will enable you
to keep everything fresh. As the semester will progress the lengh of
revision hour will increase.

5. After the revision hour, set 30 mins a day ( any time you like) to
do exploration. This is the time when you just explore any topic that
you studied that day. It's not study but a time when you can dig
dipper and learn about a topic more deeply. You might want to use
wikipedia or google or a magazine or off course book for this kind of
exploration. This enables you a fresh prespective and keeps the
interest alive.

6. For the Rest of the remaining time, fill in the subjects, mix them
well. Theory with numerical and vice versa. The idea is to keep the
interest alive and not to be burden with studies.

7. Last and the most important point for making your own study routine
is think your week to have 6 days!! Yes 6 days!! Keep one full day
off. No studies on that day. That day is reserved for any hobby,
networking or anything that you are passionate about. This is the day
you test your passion, experiment and just live. An unplanned day
within 6 planned day will help you navigate your study ship to its
correct destination, help you ponder on your progress.

Hope this points will help you write a routine that maximises your
efforts in time for a fruitful next semester.

After this all that is required is execution. So come on execute.
Commit to yourself that you are going to follow this routine for the
next 30 days. And then do it. If you can continue for the 30 days, it
will become a habit.

So after making the routine, commit the next 30 days for following it.