
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Begin with a clean slate

As many of you might know google is coming out with it's very own
browser called chrome os.

The thing that struck me was how it is doing it. Just like the google
chrome bowser, chrome os is an attepmt by google to begin with a new
slate. They have left all presssumptions behind and are delving in the
operating system with a new clean slate. Just like the browser which
they have introduced few months back.

So what's the takeaway for all of us. See my math teacher at gie also
had a similiar saying, to learn you need to accpet that you are
ignorant. Same way if you want to learn a cad software, a cae
software. Remove all your assumptions that you might have about the

Start afresh. Start with a clean slate. Forget what you know, what
limits you know the software has when you begin learning a software.
Forget everything, clean up your mind of any preconceived idea.

Same thing can be applied for the next semester that will truly begin
once you get the amaesi results.

Forget what you know of a subject, what you have learnt. Start with
clean state, with the syllabus and begin from the start. Make
different connections, different mental pictures for all the things
you learn.