
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ten things to do before AMAeSI results are announced

1. Make a list of subjects you are taking in the next semester.
2. Check this semester exams paper and evaluate the marks on each
question that you will give yourself, if you are the examiner.
Evaluate what and how you answered each questions.
3. Make a routine for the next semester.
4. I always advocate setting a lower limit, so set a lower minimum
limit of time that you will devote to each subject daily. Don't be
ambitius, set a minimum limit maybe less than an hour but make sure
you do it each and every day.
5. Get into the habit of making your morning heavy. Do all your
important task in the the first hour of the day.
6. Most importantly set goals for next semester. From studies, to
skills development set some concrete measurable goals for the next 6
7. Form a new habit. Replace a bad habit with a new one. Getting up
early or study a certain no of hour per day could be the habits toucan
try to install.
8. Pledge to use your imagination more in your studies this semester.
Cultivate it. Use visualization to remember all that you have studied
in the last semester.
9. Pledge to Study to be an engineer than study just for exams for the
next semester.

10. _______________________

Number 10 is intentionally left blank for you to fill. Fill it and
follow them.

Have a successful next semester!!