
Monday, June 29, 2009

Some thoughts on learning catia or other car softwares

What should be your approach when you begin learning a new software
tool or a new language?

Well different people have different goals and ways to approach and
each will have different merits and demerits. In this post, I will
describe what I do when I begin learning a new language or new
software tool.

The first stage is being a sponge, I read, listen and see each and
every material data I get about the tool or the language. I do not
understand everything but I make it's point that I ran it through my
mind once.

During this phase I read, I get the software do what I understand, If
I don't understand, I read, seek other sources and again sit with the
software. This iteration and exploration continues. Once I feel i am
bored with and covered everything there is to read, I get to the
softwate and this begins the curiosity stage.

Here I am just curious and I poke around, any questions that comes to
mind I try, try it then and there. If I learnt one technique, I try to
apply it in more than one way that I know it can be used. If I learn a
function, I try all the possible limits of that to see what happens.
Most of the exploration happens because I ask what will happen if I do

After this stage I ask for help, I get to see the people who are using
this software, if they are not available, I get some tutorials and
releigiously do them step by step. Once I complete the one tutorial I
don't jump on to the next tutorial but instead begin my poking and
exploration on the model or the program I just developed. Twisting,
tweaking and getting all sort of stuff out of the tutorials. I try
random big small values in all the tutorilas inputs , vary and
compltely ignore the few steps and see what happens.

This is the stage when maximum learning happens.

So these are the 3 stages, I have Learnt all the software I know!!
Hope similar a slight midification of this techniques will work for
you when take on to learn catia or any other cae software!!!


for catia related material on this blog.