
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Backbone of GIE

Today I want to tell you about a lady who had a big impact in my life.

Setting in library, she always used to come and enquire about our well
being. She is Nirmala madam!

The face of GIE. I still remember her smiling face and the encouraging
but firm voice, with which she ran GIE.

As always, she is one of my guiding angel during my AeSI days. A
mother away from home. I have already written about professor krishnan
but little have I talked about the backbone of gie.

Facinating lady, from managing the adminstrations, she is also the PR
of gie. I know many seniors will remember her in the same vein.

This post is a tribute to her. And a big thank you to her for being
part of my AeSI life!!