
Friday, May 08, 2009

Think think and think Before joining AeSI

Think think and think . This is the mantra of one of the cartoons that
my daughter loves to watch. Now what it has to do with this blog which
as you know is for AeSI!!!

Well this is the phase that I get in my mind if someone asks me should
I join AeSI?

Whenever Should I join AeSI question pops up ? Think think and think
is the response I get from inside.

Don't get me wrong, I love my degree and have great respect and pride
for AeSI but when it's comes to some class xii graduate asking me to
join AeSI, I feel more options can be tried before aesi. He has enough
time in his hand and before getting into the AeSI route he must
explore other options, think thrice!!

It's not an easy course, nor are many of the variables associated with
it very promising, so one must think think and think before getting in.

This is my personal view! What do you think, please fill in the
comments. Let's see how many of you agree or disagree with my view.

Use the comments section of