
Friday, May 01, 2009

Matlab was one of the software tool that

Matlab was one of the software tool that I learnt while in NAL. In
fact with it we developed a software tool for axial flow performance
predition! But have I began learning it with that intent?

No I didn't, my first introduction to matlab was when I saw a collegue
of mine using it for his project. The ease of plotting graph and vast
array of visualization prompted me to matlab. I was hooked!!

My next step was to fire up the software and I typed help and from
that I began learning matlab bit by bit. Doing small matrix
manipulations to plotting stuff helped me pick up the intricries of
the tool. So half an hour a day of exploration turned to more hours
and it was in time when my mentor noticed my matlab skills and I was
put in the project of axial flow compressor off design performance
prediction tool.

The takeaway in all this is that you got to initiate the
opportunities, you need to prepare for the opportunities. If I hadn't
been tinkering with matlab I would never been part of the software
development team that I was in NAL. My tinkering not only taught me
matlab but brought my skills to notice to my mentor. So always keep
yourself busy. if your task in the training or job is not very
challenging, get up spend some time exploring and cultivating skills.