
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gather RIGHT technical experience

I can't really add anything to this but Shashank Sharma has nailed it aptly in this recent mail.

The problem with the quality of experience gathered by trainees under AeSI
OJT programme or for the trainees entering under unpaid scheme is :
Most of the trainees are given a low priority work, which might be
beneficial to the organization but does not cater for the right
professional development of the trainee.
Of course there are examples where trainees were either assigned to a
project of high importance thus providing them with sufficient technical
challenges which leads them to gather a good experience, write and
present PAPER(s) in symposiums, but examples like these are few.
In order to gather RIGHT technical experience from any organization, my
advise to budding engineers is to follow few simple steps as follows:

1) Identify the key areas in which a particular organization is working.
Internet, discussions with friends/seniors can provide this information.

2) Brainstorm within yourself and come out with your interest of work
area. The work areas can be more than one as well. for example stress
analysis, dynamics of rotating structure, catia designing of components,
3-D modeling and analysis, performance calculations, CFD, technical
publications, programming to create a thermodynamics module, control
system design..........the list can be endless but it all starts with a
personal initiative.

3) Approaching the organization for the correct person at correct time,
with your preference of work area. The candidate should also request for a discussion with the concerned HOD prior to be on-board. This discussion
can channelize and streamline the expectation of the employer and

Please bear in mind that career planning is not just gathering credentials
and roaming company to company for interviews. Its a chain of strategies which you which needs to be implemented prior to execution.

All the best for your future endeavors !!
Thanks and Regards